Friday, 17 October 2014

Never sweep home after evening.... why?

Superstition: Their is a thought, or, say a custom in most of the Indian families that never sweep the house after daybreak or never use the broom after daylight or even say that if you pick up the broom after daylight then your mom might fall sick. Lol!!!!.... but what do you thing, what would be the reason

Science: The fact behind this thought is not stupid but actually very wise, the reason is in old days, when their were no electricity in houses at night people used candles or kerosene lamps for light.
The amount of light intensity from lamp were not enough in comparison to sunlight, resulting the vision over things surrounded were not clear at night. On such a scenario in present if you sweep your floor their are chances that you might sweep out some thing or things valuable with the dust out of your home, and getting back will be near to impossible.
              Even today with all the bright light at night their are chance of losing things on sweep. So obey the elders, because their advice what you feel stupid are actually wise for your life.

Stay tuned .....

Tuesday, 7 October 2014

Touch the floor when you wake up in the morning why?

              In Hindu custom elder once usually say that when you wake early in the morning from bed, you should touch the floor first then should get out from the bed,  in order to show respect to the mother earth like you show respect to your parent by touching their feet for blessing.

             Reason is that when you are in bed your body is above the ground at certain height, resulting our body to store energy called potential energy. On touching our hand on the ground this stored energy is drained out of our body through our contact point to the ground making us feel good.(This phenomenon is similar to discharging of charge to ground ).
            Again why use hand not feet, reason is that our body's energy flow is from feet to head and again from head to feet in a circular path. So on touching hand on ground the flow of energy sustains but on touching your feet first result a negative flow of energy causing the reduction of energy in your body, just like, think river is body's energy flow and you swim with the river current

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